Arithmetic Evaluation Shell Scripting

While Loop - Shell Scripting

While Loop - Shell Scripting - 5.0 out of 5 based on 1 vote
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While loop will work when the condition is true. If the condition is true for infinite times then the loop will run for infinite times. 


open a editor and write the below mentioned code,



while [[ $a -lt 20 ]]


 echo "$a"

 a=$((a + 1))


To execute:



If Condition - Shell Scripting

If Condition - Shell Scripting - 5.0 out of 5 based on 1 vote
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If the condition is true then the set of action/commands will be executed else it will check for another condition if that condition is true then it will execute those set of actions else it will execute the else part


open a editor and write the below mentioned code



if [ $a -eq 20 ];then

 echo "20"

elif [ $a -eq 10 ];then

 echo "10"


 echo "else"


To execute:





chmod 755 ./

chmod command is used to change permission of a file.



Conditional Expression:

String1 == string2 true if both are equal

String1 != string2 true if both are not equal

-lt true if number is lesser than

-le true if number is lesser than or equal to

-gt true if the  number is greater than

-ge true if the number is greater than or equal to

-eq true if the numbers are equal

-ne true if the numbers are not equal

-z string : true is the string is empty

-f file : true if the file exists

-d directory : true if the directory exists

-n string : true if the string is non zero 


open a editor and write the below mentioned code


if [ -z "$testing" ];then

 echo "String is null"


if [ -n "$a" ];then

 echo "String is not null"


if [ -f "logs/test.log" ];then

 echo "file exist"


if [ -d "logs/" ];then

 echo "directory exist"


if [ -s "a" ];then

 echo " file is not empty"


 echo "file is empty"



Arithmetic Expansion - Shell Scripting

Arithmetic Expansion - Shell Scripting - 5.0 out of 5 based on 1 vote
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We have to use arthimetic expansion for doing any arithmetic calculations in shell script.

$(( expression ))

echo $(( 1 + 1 )) - will add 2 value

echo $(( 2 * 2 )) - multiply 2 value

echo $(( 2 / 2 )) - divide the one value by another

echo $(( 5 % 2 )) - modulo of 5 by 2

Note: shell does not support floating point so all the value will be rounded to the nearest number automatically

expr Command:

expr command is also used for calculating the arithmetic expressions

add=`expr 1 + 1`

mul=`expr 2 \* 6`

Note: in order to suppress * as regular expression \ is used before the *

div=`expr 6 / 2 `

modulo=`expr 7 % 2`




Arithmetic Evaluation - Shell Scripting

Arithmetic Evaluation - Shell Scripting - 5.0 out of 5 based on 1 vote
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id++ id-- : variable post-increment and post-decrement

echo $((a++))

       ++id --id

              variable pre-increment and pre-decrement

               echo $((++a))

       - +    unary minus and plus

       ! ~    logical and bitwise negation

       **     exponentiation

       * / %  multiplication, division, remainder

       + -    addition, subtraction

       <= >= < > comparison

       == !=  equality and inequality

       &&     logical AND

       ||     logical OR



Command Substitution - Shell Scripting

Command Substitution - Shell Scripting - 5.0 out of 5 based on 1 vote
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Command substitution is used to execute a command and return the result to the shell script. This result will be stored in a variable

path=`printenv|grep PATH`

` is used to substitute a command. The command inside ` will be executed in a sub shell and the result will be returned back to the parent shell. This result is now stored in the corresponding variable.

path and PATH and two different variables.

| is called pipe. The output of one command is given as the input to another command.

printenv command will be executed first and the output will be given as the input for the grep command.

$(command) – is another way of command substitution

path=$(printenv |grep PATH)