Eclipse not working - No java virtual machine was found

Eclipse not working - No java virtual machine was found



                 During execution of Eclipse IDE  shows error like “ Java software is required or Java software current executable path is not existing or missing”.For these type of issues,we need to change the executing path of the java software


 If you wish to change the Executable path,you must login as root user.

 Open the terminal and type sudo gedit ~/.bashrc

 It will open a document on this add the Path of the existing software.

 To know the exact Path of the software use pwd command.

 Copy the Path upto bin.

 Then add the Path like export PATH=$PATH:*/home/ignitemindz/jdk1.6.0_21/bin:*

 Similarly change the path in etc profile by command sudo /etc/profile and in profile by command sudo ~/.profile

 Save the document and ctrl+s


 Go to My computer and Right click on the properties tab.

 Then click on Advanced system settings.

 Then click on Environment variable.

 If you are already use Path variable means click on the Edit button.

 If you are not already use Path variable means click on the New button.

 Copy the path of your software upto exe and then paste.

 Click on the ok button.

 Click on the ok button.


 *As per your installation path


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