Python Programming

Python Programming - 4.5 out of 5 based on 37 votes
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Workshop on

Python Programming


Note: If your interested but date and locations are an issue then kindly let us know so we can schedule it for you. Training are also available for Python Training in Chennai.


Register Now


Course Contents:


Python Interpreter


Shebang code


Executable Python Script


Interactive Python


Python syntax




Conditional Statements


Operators and Loops




Data Structures


Lists and Tuples


Sets and Dicts


String Formatting


Reading and Writing Files


User defined Functions


Keyword arguments


Lambda forms


Built-in functions


Date and Time


Own Functions




Standard Libraries( Useful Modules)


User Interface and Interaction




Regular Expression


Exception Handling





Method Objects




Database Connectivity






The Session will give full hands-on in Python scripting. Its an corporate training. We will work throughout the session on Python scripting. Session is designed to cover from basic scripting level to Advanced Level



Madeeswer Gandhi.V ( 10 years Experience in Linux)

Madeeswer has designed, developed and implemented lot of tools and softwares in Linux. These tools runs on production servers around the world. He has real time experience in Python scripting and driven projects from scratch to production implementation.

He has designed open-source software’s in Ruby on Rails.


Targeted Audience:

Automation Engineers

Linux Administrators

Middle ware Administrators (Websphere, Weblogic, MQ, JBoss)

Database Administrators (Oracle, DB2, etc)

Java Developers

Useful for all people who has there app on Linux or Unix flavors.

Knowledge gained in the workshop:

Participants will be able to know

* All required concepts of python to use in corporate world

* Writing Python scripts with Configuration files

* Real Time Experience

* Automation techniques

* File Handling

* Database connectivity through Python

* Fundamentals of Python

* Regular Expression


Note: This workshop is focused from beginners. The participants would understand practically how to write and understand Python programs.


Basic knowledge in any programming or scripting language.

Time : 10:00 am to 06:00 pm




Terms & Conditions

Registration is first come first serve basis.



For any clarifications, Please contact:

Mr. Madeeswer Gandhi.V

US: +1(937)557-1919

IN: +91 8122331111

E:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



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