Agile Web development using Rails
- Details
- Category: Corporate Work Shops
Workshop on
Agile Web Development using Ruby on Rails
Note: If your interested but date and locations are an issue then kindly let us know so we can schedule it for you.
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Course Contents:
Agile Methodology
Rails 3.2.3
Directory Structure
Installation and Configuration
Data flow
MVC Architecture
Creating web application in Rails
Active Record
Call Back Methods
Routing the Request
Unit Testing
Sending eMails
Installing Plugin
User authentication
Validations of user input
Power of ruby
Variable declaration
Control Structure
Reading and Writing Files
Classes and Object-Oriented Programming
Built-In methods
Own Functions
Standard Libraries( Useful Modules) Scoping
Regular Expression
Database Interaction
Exception Handling
The Session will give full hands-on in Agile based web development using Ruby on Rails Framework. Its an corporate training. We will work throughout the session on agile methodologies and develop the a small web app using Ruby and Rails. Session is designed to cover from basic scripting level to Advanced Level Instructor:
Madeeswer Gandhi.V ( 10 years Experience in Linux) Madeeswer has designed, developed and implemented lot of tools and softwares in Linux. These tools runs on production servers around the world. He has real time experience in the technologies mentioned and driven projects from scratch to production implementation. He has designed open-source software’s in Ruby on Rails.
Targeted Audience: Web designers Developers FOSS people Students Java Developers Knowledge gained in the workshop:
* All required concepts of ruby on rails to use in corporate world * Writing Ruby scripts * Real Time Experience * Web designing techniques * Data Flow * Database connectivity * Modules and libraries * Real time application development
Note: This workshop is focused from beginners. The participants would understand practically how to write and understand Ruby on Rails application. Criteria: Basic knowledge in any programming or scripting language. Time : 10:00 am to 06:00 pm Venue: Online Terms & Conditions Registration is first come first serve basis. REGISTRATION:
For any clarifications, Please contact: Mr. Madeeswer Gandhi.V US: +1(937)557-1919 IN: +91 8122331111 E:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.