Heythi 40 creating a new project

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 Creating a New Project using Eclipse-WinAvr

Open eclipse.exe file from the eclipse folder.

  • .Make a New project by right clicking on project explorer and select new C project.

  • Type the project name.(eg:Led) and click next.

  • Set your microcontroller as atmega 16 and frequency as 4000000.

  • Again go to Project Explorer and right click on your project, and then go for its properties. Double click on C/C++Build then click on Settings.

  • Enable option Generate HEX file for Flash memory.

  • Then click on Optimization, select Optimization level and choose last option Size Optimizations (-Os) and then click on Apply button.

  • Click on AVR (your project >> properties >> AVR), then AVR >> AVRDude>>New button, choose your Programmer Hardware and give its Configuration name.(here the programmer hardware will be usb tiny).

  • Click on your project, select New C Source file

  • Give the name for your Source File with extension (ex: Led.c) and click on Finish button.

  • Type your code at the programming window and save the project.

  • Right click on your project and Build Project and to trasfer your code to Microcontroller click the AVR tab button.

Creating a New Project using Arduino-Software

Open arduino.exe file from the arduino folder.

Then from file menu select new write your code and selecte the board from menu Tools/Board/Heythi 40W/Atmega32.

Select the programmer from menu Tools/Programmer/UsbtinyISP.

To Compile the program click on the verify button.

To Upload the program select Upload Using Programmer from file menu


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